Grandpa Scharly was born on April 14, 1930. His life and love for as long as I remember was his wife and his faith in the church. Being 87 years (2019) old and having to experience one sad turn after another in your family history is not easy, especially when you are alone in your big house on Sommerberg with your 16-year-old dog Lilli. He decided to sell the house and moved in with my aunt and uncle. From 400 square meters to almost ten. He is now collecting his memories of his life in a book, which he says is his final goal.
His tribute to the family and his love for Omali.
When I think of the house on Sommerberg, I remember my blue and white striped Christmas sweater and my mother at the Omali piano. Memories that are difficult to reconcile with a specific image of my grandfather. I then realize with uncertainty that I don't seem to know my Grandpa Scharly at all. The fear of not thinking anything at the grave makes me more and more restless. So I offered my aunt and uncle to look after my grandfather and the house for them for several days. They urgently needed a vacation. Grandpa Scharly sometimes forgets the tap and can no longer run properly. I'm asked to keep an eye on it. Otherwise I have free rein and so I spend my time looking a little closer.